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BMT – Start a new company in 3D metal printing

Writer: Wouter VandammeWouter Vandamme

Gear manufacturer BMT invested in a joint venture several years ago, to commercialize a high-end drill for the aviation industry. The business didn’t turn out to be profitable, so there is a need to repurpose the joint venture.

Enter Thingit

The Thingit team assesses the technological assets of the joint venture. They decide to divest the drill technology and focus on the unique titanium 3D printing knowhow in the joint venture. As this technology may disrupt the gear industry in the future, it is of upmost importance for BMT to further build on 3D printing knowledge. Thingit maps the competitor landscape, highlights niche markets, and builds a business strategy plan for a new fully integrated parts supplier company. It includes a PR and marketing approach linking the newborn business to the original BMT corporate identity.


Thingit’s assessment was ‘to the bone’. During operations, Thingit’s flexibility to add appropriate resources to the job was a great asset

Benoit Reynders, CEO BMT Aerospace


The team by Thingit

Thingit provided BMT with an ad interim CEO, supported by an operational team of analysts and business developers. A project pipeline was created, and the whole business was gradually handed over to an in-house operations team. We delivered.

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